Council on Science & Public Health

Council on Science & Public Health reports


The main functions of the Council on Science and Public Health (CSAPH) are to advise on substantial and promising developments, and to assist in developing policy positions on scientific aspects of medicine, public health, and biomedical research that warrant the attention of the profession, the public, and the public/private sector.

The primary method of developing evidence-based policy positions and recommendations is the drafting of reports for the House of Delegates. Topics for CSAPH reports can be the result of AMA House of Delegates action or chosen and initiated, in the case of an emerging scientific or public health area or policy gap, by the Council.

CSAPH bases the policy recommendations presented in reports on a review and evaluation of relevant sources detailing the evidence-base and current knowledge of a topic. Sources include peer-reviewed literature, expert papers, commentaries, special publications, expert meeting and workshop proceedings, and stakeholder outreach.

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Some topics that have been addressed by CSAPH include environmental health, various drug issues, vaccinations, genetic and precision medicine, child safety, and public health matters.

Table of Contents

  1. Reports
  2. Featured reports